To My Children

To My Children:

I promise to model kindness, acceptance, community, a "can-do" attitude, and how to believe in yourself.  
I promise to make every effort to instill a love of world justice in you.  A focus on ethical awareness and social justice as key in creating a peaceful world.
I promise to support and encourage the person that you are, without attempting to change the kernel of you.  By loving your individuality, I believe you will grow to pass love and acceptance on to the world around you.
I promise to help you remember to value the difficult times as learning opportunities. Seeds of success are sown in darkness and doubt.  
I believe your successes and your pride and sense of self will come from the struggle.  While I promise to offer you every advantage I have at my disposal, I promise to not make your life too easy or too comfortable.
I promise to show you honesty and authenticity in all things.
I promise to remind you every single day that each day is your day. That this very moment is here and now and to make the most of it!  And even more, remember that in this moment, it is necessary to embrace it, to do your best in this crystal moment.  Whether it means apologizing, rebuilding, renewing, resting, or something else, 
this is the only moment. So avoid hurting others.
I promise to teach you the power of word, thought, and intention.
I will always tell you the truth. I will, to the best of my ability, show you all sides of an issue and show you how to see issues as transparently as possible. I will show you my love of learning, researching, gaining a better understanding, and critical thinking because I believe this is the path to true love and appreciation of this earth.
I promise to introduce you to as many "truths" as we can possibly explore. I  promise to show you that the many cultures and customs around the world hold meaning and value, that other cultures are not pale comparisons to our own. And most importantly to realize that people are beautiful and enigmatic and valuable and inherently good.

I will always be on your side. I will always love you with a depth and breadth that still overwhelms me. And I promise to continue improving myself for my own benefit and for yours as well.

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