With Sincere Gratitude: Through the Blue

You know those days when you realize you have been feeling blue, blah, for awhile without really noticing it? Then the realization happens and you don't see the why of it all? You're blue, aba dee aba di. I suddenly realized that I'm there right now and it's not because of my life. I have the happiest life I could have ever imagined! I'm in a real happy place, yet I don't feel it.

That means that it is chemical for me.

Because of my long history with depression I know that I can often interject positivity into my mind during times like this and get some relief. I've been treating my depression for about thirty years now with medication. I've taken Lexapro®️ now for at least twenty of those years and I really love it and depend on it. It makes me be my real self. 

So if the Lexapro®️ isn't doing the trick, maybe it's time for me to do my part and get deliberate with the positive talk, with the gratitude. Making it happen.  😌

Please allow me to share my gratitude with you, and I would be honored if you would share a line of two of gratitude in your own lives down in the comments:

  • I have to begin any list of gratitude for the dear, dear heart of my husband. A man who supports me with any hair-brained idea that I have. A man who is gentle with my internal storms. A man who is thoughtful, funny, and delightful.
    My heart.
  • I must also add the kids to any list like this, for they are so beautiful on the inside. My heart feels happier just typing this.
  • I am full of grateful love to the many wonderful authors and writers out there in the world. At the moment I'm deeply appreciative to Mary Doria Russell for her amazing intellect and for her capacity for beautiful language.
  • I'm grateful for the internet, whatever that is.
    It contains my friends, my music, my thoughts. It is a place I go to for research, creativity, classical information, distraction, and news.
  • I'm grateful for my heart and my mind.
    These parts of me allow me to experience so many things without losing myself.
  • I'm grateful for the outward sign of success with both Elizabeth and John as each of them experiences a graduation this month! Elizabeth graduated from community college with her Associates and John graduated from homeschool high school, first in class!  😉
  • I'm grateful for the cooling rain we received earlier while Jerry and I sat on a couch thing on the front porch and talked about the beauty brought to our lives by our granddaughter Eleanor.
  • Of course, I could not be more thankful to my wonderful stepdaughter and her husband, Jessica and Ryan, for making us grandparents. Eleanor is the brightest light, Folks!  ❤️
  • I'm grateful for the comfortable and cool bedroom that Jer and I have created for ourselves, regardless of whoever else does not love our green walls.
  • I'm grateful for the spring cleaning I did recently. It's lovely to have cabinets not spew their contents if we dare to open the door.
  • I'm grateful for my new shirts. I feel pretty.
  • I have such gratitude for my dear friend Lara, a woman with a very full life who always has the time to pass along love and light whenever she sees my need.
  • I'm grateful to Elizabeth for some things that she knows about but that I'm keeping private.  💜
  • I'm grateful for the new friends we have brought into our lives lately. It's a true bounty.
  • I am sincerely thankful for the fact that I brought home the majority of Mom's plants after she died. She truly had a green thumb and, at this point, all of them are still alive and thriving. I'm grateful for the chance to keep them green.

    As I give it some thought, I think I now realize where my sadness is coming from...

    I've been missing my mom...

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