More of My Music for Mary

The other night I was talking to my very dear friend Mary, a woman who knows her independent music. If you're looking for a little-known artist or cut, she's your contact. Mary and I were talking about music and such and she revealed that she has really taken to some of my music over the years, as surprising as that is, and she wanted some recommendations from me for some good music.

I've said before that my favorite instrument is the human voice and my favorite music reflects that. I love artists who carry the performance with gorgeous vocals. I love excellent music too, it's just that I really lean toward beautiful vocals. 

So, for Mary and for you, I'm posting links to my favorite music. I tend toward ballads and gorgeous lyrics but I've tried to balance that preference with excellent instrument playing in this list. So, if I have a favorite performer, I might include songs of vocals and of music. Get it? OK, here goes:

Luther Vandross:
I have loved Luther's voice for about twenty-five years now, so most of my favorites by him are from the end of his career, having missed all of his early slow-jam years. Luther died several years ago and I know I will miss him forever. My first favorite is a ballad called Can I Take You Out Tonight. Jerry and I danced our first dance at our wedding to Here and Now. Although I could post about two dozen excellent tunes by Luther, my last one is the lovely song by Luther and Gregory Hines called There's Nothing Better Than Love; I'll bet you didn't even know that the beautiful Gregory Hines could sing!

Eddi Reader:
Eddi Reader is a lovely and talented Scottish folk singer who I found on a TEDtalk and I instantly fell in love with her voice. I have some CDs with music that I adore that I cannot find on youtube, so I'll start you out with her song Kiteflyer's Hill, a lovely tune about lost love. She is a lover of Robert Burns poetry, so I would be remiss to leave out her rendition of My Love is Like a  Red, Red Rose. I love Eddi's version of Across the Universe that she does with another Scottish folk singer named Liam O'Maonlai. I also adore Dear John. I hope you give more of her music a listen. And I found one of my favorites after all, I Won't Stand in Your Way!!!!

Anita Baker:
Anita came out big in the eighties with a bang. She was already in her thirties and just entering the entertainment industry and I fell in love with her voice immediately. I don't know where to start with her so I'll offer this one called No One in the World from her 1986 album. You Bring Me Joy is a gorgeous tune that shows the beauty of her voice, as is It's Been You. She recently played in St. Louis and I couldn't go to the show...and I'm so sad! One more by her that is simply stunning is Giving You the Best that I've Got, a tune that really showcases her her soulful voice.

Kenny Loggins:
It's easy to think of Kenny Loggins at the Footloose, I'm Alright, and Highway to the Danger Zone guy. I'm not a fan of those tunes but I'm a huge fan of his ballads, seldom listening to those commercially successful songs. Instead I love This is It, Celebrate Me Home, and everything, ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING from the Conviction of the Heart CD like Too Early for the Sun and Will of the Wind. This gorgeous duet with Shanice Wilson called I Would Do Anything is just stunning. I spent almost a year of my life listening to this CD again and again and again. This entire CD was so beautiful and healing.

Toni Braxton:
I love Toni's voice so much. She's one of those people who was robbed by their manager early in her career so she had to start over! Makes me angry! Anyway, I love her beautiful songs Breathe Again, Another Sad Love Song, Seven Whole Days, and Spending My Time With You. Her R&B contralto voice absolutely soars and her song style is simply amazing. Some time in her forties she was diagnosed with lupus, yet she continued to tour and produce albums. She's gorgeous and her voice is soulful and extremely versatile. I love several of her duets too! OH, I also adore Let it Flow.

I think I'll stop there for now, but PLEASE, below in the comments, list some of your beautiful favorites!

 Love you, Mary!

Honorable Mentions:
Chaka Khan

Ray Charles
The Kingston Trio
Simon and Garfunkle

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